2020 Conference Tips


We’ve done our research on conference tips & trends and have come up with our top 4 pro tips. Think outside of the box here, folks, as we dive into wellness, participation, different learning styles and human emotions.

It’s no suprise that “Event producer” is consistently listed as one of the most stressful jobs in the world. This truth has brought to light the importance of health and wellness not only for the event producers but for planners and attendees as well. It’s exhausting to be ‘on’ all day no what your role is during a conference. Amenities such as water stations, snack stations (with breaks long enough to enjoy said snack!), and aromatherapy are are all some ideas to assist with wellness. Artificial light contributes to feelings of fatigue, consider natural light areas or breaks which encourage everyone to get outside for at least 10 minutes.

Guests tend to want to interact with the event content and get involved, so its always a good idea to schedule interactive elements into your conference. There are many ways to do this, interactive presentation anyone? Studies have found that attendees want to be able to tell a story, to be in the know, and to share an interesting experience post conference. Regardless of the event type, attendees want to feel the power of choice, freedom, friendship, and accomplishment.

Some of the most effective conferences have a perfect mix of structured networking and unplanned moments, both of which achieve different goals and accommodates different personality types. To promote learning, retention, and positiveness for all participants, regardless of learning style, should be top priority. Being cognizant of the differences between introverts and extroverts, is crucial in creating a mix of session types and discussions! Optional 20-minute small-group breakouts after each speakers’ presentation for those extroverts and that 20 minutes could be used as a breather outside for introverts!

Even at a work conference, people want to FEEL. It’s almost extinct these days; human interaction face to face. We have found it to be important for companies to bring that level of humanness to their brand. Encourage conversation about company morals or having vignettes placed around the conference center showcasing a charity the company supports.

There are many different ways to achieve all of the above tips and we are happy to help on the technical side of things!