Encourage Presentation Engagement
All too often, conference presentations involve reading directly from the PowerPoint with little explanation or energy. This sadly leaves audiences bored out of their minds with no enthusiasm about the topic. In this short little blog post, we have three crucial tips to aid in making your next presentation interesting, informative and most of all engaging!
When preparing for your presentation, consider creating slides that contain a limited amount of txt, and instead plan to offer much of your information verbally! There is nothing less interesting than a ton of written words with no verbal explanation. The more you talk to your audience the more your personality will shine through as well. You’ll also want to make a point to use lots of visuals on your slides as society in general happens to be very visual. Another idea is to consider asking your audience questions, perhaps a “pop quiz” or poll to really get the conversation started. Group activities are yet another idea as these tend to bring out the best in both introverts and extroverts in your audience.
Should you only take 1 one of our suggestions, we can assure you that your next presentation will be better than the last!