Fox’s Top 5 Most Haunted in Charleston
Fox Audio Visual simply adores spooky stories! We have put together our own little list of local haunts for your reading pleasure!
The historic Battery Carriage House Inn proudly declares itself the most haunted inn in the Holy City. Haunts ranging from Room 8 with a headless spirit (EEK!), Room 3 with an entire entourage of ghostly spooks (Bye Felicia!) and Room 10 with a gentle ladies man who loves to play with female guest’s hair (sounds soothing to us). This stunning 1800s waterfront property is actually noted as one of our most romantic bed and breakfasts and truly is a stunning property.
Poogans Porch Restaurant is a Victorian building built in 1888! Some of the noted hauntings are the presence of a lady in a long white nightgown, who is often seen staring out of the windows long after the restaurant has closed for the night. Woah. There are reports of this same apparition appearing in the dining room and tickling the ladies in the restroom…Sweet!
The Dock Street Theater has quite an interesting history. Initially it was a theater, then a horrible fire took that structure completely out. Built upon the grounds was the Planters Inn. Today, the Inn was converted back into a theater! Reports of seeing apparitions wandering across the stage or lurking up in the rafters.
During the Prohibition era, the Blind Tiger Pub served as a speakeasy! They also happen to be Post & Courier “Charleston’s Choice” 2019 Winner for Best Bar & Charleston City Paper “Best of Charleston” 2019 Winner for Best Outdoor Patio! Customers have reported having their hair pulled, hearing phantom footsteps and the sound of leaves crunching by the back patio, despite the fact that there is nobody nearby!
Old City Jail is rich in horrific history! Spooked visitors report heavy doors that slam closed, objects that move or disappear, and voices in empty rooms, among other things. Some visitors also claim to have encountered the ghost of Lavinia Fisher, widely recognized as America’s first female mass murderer. This is certainly not a place where we would want to have a slumber party that’s for sure.
So much history here in Charleston, get out and explore!